It’s almost NaNoWriMo time. The challenge is to complete 50,000 new words in thirty days. That’s 11,667 words per week, or 1667 words per day. On a good day I can pen 1000-1500 words. On an exceptional day, when the stars align, I can write 2000 plus words. (I envy those who can get thousands of words written in one day.)
You can read more on NaNoWriMo on my past blog post here.
It’s a hard slog, but not beyond the realms of reality. My record so far is 32,792 (done at Camp NaNo in 2015). A large chunk of my second book, Eye of the Beholder was written during last year’s NaNo. And that was without any significant preparation – it snuck up on me!
This year I’m more organised. I’m determined to get a first draft of Viola Stewart’s next set of adventures done (or at least a significant part of it). I’ve jotted down notes in various notebooks, scraps of paper and sticky notes. I have a small spiral notebook by the bed for those ‘wee hours of the morning’ inspirations when I can’t sleep. I’ve even – now prepare yourself…
I even have basic notes for some scenes, some foreshadowing and three important plot points. Yes, shock, horror! This pantser has some some plotting. You can learn more about Pansting and Plotting in this post.
(Now I just need to find all those scraps of paper before next month.)
Journal #3 is the final planned book for this series, though Viola may return in future short adventures. Then it’s a slight change of pace, as I concentrate on finishing the final few chapters of The Department of Curiosities.
Here’s a few sneak peeks at what is happening with Journal #3:
- The format will remain the same. Three short stories and a feature novella – but the order may change. Two shorts, the novella, and a final short to tie up loose ends.
- After Viola’s last, harrowing adventure, she’s off on holidays for the opening short story, From the Depths.
- The background story lines will be wrapped up.
- The Men in Grey (The Society) will return (of course!).
- As with the two previous journals (3 shorts+novella), the featured novella with have a very Victorian subject. This time it revolves around the mysterious world of the nineteenth century illusionist.
- Blurb:
Viola returns for a third set of adventures. Viola needs a holiday. But even at the beach, or while partying on the grand tour of Europe… there are things afoot.
Seeing is believing… or is it? And now to reveal the title (drum roll please):
The Illusioneer & Other Tales.- Here’s another partial reveal. The cover for Journal #3 will be blue. So, when you to the library and ask for ‘that book with the blue cover‘, it could be mine.
I’m currently collecting items related to the stories to feature on the cover – a surprise for later posts.
I’ve bought a new notebook and sharpened my pencils. I have a new USB to save typed files, pictures and cover design. Now I just have to wait until November 1st (and maybe write some more notes before then).
You can follow my progress on my NaNoWriMo page, blog posts and twitter.
Photos:©2016 Karen J Carlisle. All Rights Reserved.
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