Press Kit: Department of Curiosities

The All for the good of the Empire!

The Department of Curiosities is a steampunk tale of adventure, a heroine, mad scientists, traitors and secrets.


Title:  The Department of Curiosities
Subtitle:  For the Good of the Empire
Series: The Department of Curiosities
Author: Karen J Carlisle
Publisher: Kraken Publishing
ISBN: paperback: 978-0-9944850-9-0 /eBook: 979-82236177-8-5
Retail price: Paperback: AU$27.99 / eBook: US $3.99
Genre: steampunk adventure/ alternative history
Release date: 22nd May, 2019/ 2nd Edition: 1st July, 2023
Formats/Available as: Paperback (available to bookstores via Ingram Spark) and ebook.


-Press Release-

Adelaide, South Australia— updated 22nd August, 2023 — It began with a shortlisted story in the Australian Literature Review’s murder mystery competition, 2013, then The Adventures of Viola Stewart. Now Karen J Carlisle has expanded her steampunk universe, with new characters and delving into the clandestine Department of Curiosities. Enter a world of intrigue, mistrust and betrayal and experience an alternative Victorian history, as Tillie Meriwether searches for answers to clear her father’s name.

Miss Matilda Meriwether has a secret. Actually, she has several.
One of them has shaped her adult life. Another now controls it.
Her Majesty Queen Victoria has control of the Empire. She is the Empire, and creator of its secrets. Sir Avery works for The Department of Curiosities – the keepers of secrets – especially if they are useful to the Empire. When Tillie finds herself in the employment of The Department of Curiosities, she realises this is the perfect opportunity to uncover the truth she has been searching for.
But the Queen has other plans for her.

Book cover (High Res):×2400-1.png 
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Release date: 22nd May, 2019.
Edition 2 release date: 1st July, 2023

eBook orders from:

Paperback: 420 pages.

Paperback copies of The Department of Curiosities will be available from online booksellers, or order via local bookstore. Ebooks will be available from Smashwords and Amazon. For more information on where to purchase:

Current Bio:

Karen J Carlisle is a writer of steampunk, Victorian mysteries and fantasy. Her books include The Adventures of Viola Stewart series and Aunt Enid: Protector Extraordinaire. Her short stories have featured in the 2016 Adelaide Fringe exhibition, ‘A Trail of Tales’, and the ‘Where’s Holmes’ and ‘Deadsteam’ anthologies. Karen lives in Adelaide with her family and the ghost of her ancient Devon Rex cat. She’s always loved dark chocolate and rarely refuses a cup of tea.

For more information contact:

Karen J Carlisle

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Hastags: #kjcarlisle #deptcuriosites #departmentofcuriosities


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