The Love/Hate Challenge

It has been a challenging month – in so many ways. There have been some struggles with editing, the massive computer changeover debacle and now the second blog challenge for the month. I thought this one would be a pleasant procrastination; it proved to be more difficult than first thought.
Here is your chance to learn a little more about me, thanks to fellow steampunk author, CW Hawes: List 10 loves and 10 hates, then tag 10 others.

Things I hate (again, in no particular order)

  1. peas and pumpkin
  2. not having my cat to cuddle, I miss its soothing pur
  3. having my life turned upside down by work-induced anxiety and stress and being left to deal with (and pay for) the consequences.
  4. people who force their opinions on others and/or are intolerant of people and things that are different
  5. dust – the allergies, and resulting sinus and lung infections
  6. technology failures and having to set up a new computer
  7. wasting hours researching on the net and getting nowhere
  8. mosquitoes – again, allergic. ugh
  9. conflict (people yelling at each other)
  10. movies with no story line – too many action movies now replace any attempt at a story line with big bangs, mindless action and overdone special effects or rely solely on a ‘big name’ to recoup their expenditure. Save some money for a decent script/story writer, please!


Things I love: (in no particular order)

  1. chocolate (and tea)
  2. steampunk aesthetic, costumes and stuff
  3. Doctor Who (new and classic)
  4. winter smells: the smell of freshly cut grass, the smell of rain on freshly dug earth and the smell of wood fires in winter
  5. octopuses (and dragons)
  6. reading
  7. creating things – writing, photography, art
  8. purple
  9. my family and friends
  10. thunder storms and lightning and the clear, crispness they leave in their wake.

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I decided to put the things I hate first so the blog would not end on a downer. Oh, one more thing I hate is tagging people for these challenges. Instead, I will leave it up to you. Do you want to tell us all a bit more about yourself? Please leave a comment below if you take up the challenge. It is not as easy as you think.


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