
Upcoming Events and Personal Appearances


  • 22-23rd March: Clunes Booktown Festivlal, Victoria. I’ve just booked and confirmed for the Clunes Booktown Festival. So I’m off interstate to Victoria. Clunes is about 1.5 to 2 hours drive from Melbourne. The town embraces books for the entire weekend. I’ll be there with my books (and minimal bookmerch as I’m flying over). If you’re in Victoria, please come say hello.
  • 13th April – Adelaide Comic & Toy Fair: Karen will be sharing a corner table with fellow author SM Kemmett. Twixtmas (and remaining book boxes) will be available to purchase. 
  • June: Waiting for confirmation of event acceptance. Watch this space!
  • 31st October – 3rd November: Supanova Adelaide. Adelaide Showgrounds. I’m back in the Artist Alley, with my new book and book merch. This year Adelaide Supanova is running for three days, from Friday to Sunday.

Past Events and Appearances:


  • 1st March: Twixtmas Publication Day: Paperback and eBooks will be available Direct From Author or via online stores.
  • 19th February: Critical Mass Author Talk/ Twixtmas Launch. 6.30pm (ACDT): Minor Works Building Community Centre, 22 Stamford Court, Adelaide.
    Join me for the Critical Mass Sci Fi and Fantasy Discussion Group. The meeting runs from 6.30pm (for about an hour). I’ll be talking about steampunk and doing my first Twixtmas talk.
    The event is free. I’m hoping to have Twixtmas printed and have a small number available to purchase on the night.Interstate and overseas readers can join via Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 831 9603 0896, Passcode: 570773). 
    For more info:


  • late December: Twixtmas delayed release due to health issues.
  • 23rd November: Burton Community Hub Authors Market.  Burton Community Hub,380 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton, South Australia.
    This event was launched in 2023. This was my second time attending with my books. Fantastic day. Thank you. Visit their page for more info.
  • 2-3rd November: Adelaide Supanova. Thank you to everyone who bought a book (or book merch) and stopped by to say hello. ’12 Days of Twixtmas’ Book Box pre-orders were available for the first time at this event.
  • October: Announcing my new ’12 Days of Twixtmas’ physical book box. Pre-orders are now available, Unfortunately, delivery times have been delayed due to health issues. 
  • October Book Spotlight: Twixtmas. Introducing Twixtmas – a Christmas (of sorts) adventure, and book 1.5 in The Aunt Enid Mysteries ). Twixtmas is scheduled for very late December release. Posts will appear on Tiktok and Instagram – and reposting to Patreon, youTube, Mastaon and Facebook. A video compilation will be posted on youTube.
  • 28th September, 9.30am – 3.00pm: Saddleworthy Book and Art Event. Saddleworth Institute, 28 Burra Road, Saddleworth I’m heading up north with my books. Join me (and fellow spec fic indie authors) for the day. Coffee and food vans will be on site. I’ll be doing a short talk on my books (Aunt Enid in particular) at 10.30am.
  • 7th October: Adelaide Comic & Toy Fair. St Claire Recreation Centre, Woodville. Fellow author SM Kemmett (and my editor) will be sharing a table with me. I’m also hoping to have some pre-orders available for a new project.
  • August Book Spotlight: Blood Ties. Blood Ties is the continuing tales of James Findlay (Doctor Jack in the Adventures of Viola Stewart series). Posts will appear on Tiktok and Instagram – and reposting to Patreon, youTube, Mastaon and Facebook. A video compilation will be posted on youTube later in the month.
  • July 28th – Doctor Jack & Other Tales digital eBook Box Announcing my first digital book box!

    This was one of my secret projects for 2024, inspired by author Nicole McKeon, The eBook box was launched to celebrate Doctor Jack & Other Tales being the chosen book for August’s Temporal Textural Talks. 
    What’s inside: eBook download link, annotated maps, printable art and ‘Ghastly Murder’ front page posters, computer wallpaperss, printable character art colour in pages, ambient soundtracks, printable crochet pattern for your own granny book square!
    Grab your eBook box now from: (AU$) This item is a virtual/digital product. No postage is required.

  • August 19th (ACST): August – 3rd Sunday (US) 4:30 PM Pacific (Seattle/Tucson)/ 3rd Monday (Aust) 9.00am (ACST)
    Temporal Textual Talks: A Book Club discussed my first book Doctor Jack & Other Tales for their August online meet up. If you’d rather just watch, you can view the livestream on Madame Askew and the Grand Arbiter’s Facebook page. For more info on the book, and the series:
  • July Book Spotlight: The Illusioneer & Other Tales. The Illusioneer is the third, and final, book in the Adventures of Viola Stewart series. Posts will appear on Tiktok and Instagram – and reposting to Patreon, youTube, Mastaon and Facebook. A video compilation will be posted on youTube later in the month.
  • 12-14th July Nullus Anxietas 9 :  I’m attending this year’s Australian Discworld Convention in Adelaide as a guest author! For more info or to register: Watch this space for updates. 
  • 29-30th June: AVCON  I’ve been accepted for the Artist Alley at this year’s AVCON. I’ll be in the Artist Alley, and their After Dark Event with my books and book merch (and a few new book merch items!). **Watch this space for more news!**
  • June Book Spotlight: Eye of the Beholder & Other Tales. Eye of the Beholder is the second book in the Adventures of Viola Stewart series. Posts appeared on Tiktok and Instagram – and reposting to Patreon, youTube, Mastaon and Facebook. A video compilation will be posted on youTube later in the month.
  • 1-2nd June: Oz Comic Con AUTHOR PANEL: From Concept to Creation‘, with fellow local indie authors, Matt J Pike, Stefanie Dawn, R Max Tillsley, and Katie Fraser. Artist Alley:  with my books and book merch.
  • May Book Spotlight: Doctor Jack & Other Tales. May is all about Doctor Jack & Other Tales, the first book in the Adventure of Viola Stewart darker Victorian mystery series.  Check out my social media (Tiktok and Instagram – and reposting to Patreon, youTube, Mastaon and Facebook) for posts. A video compilation will be posted on youTube later in the month
  • 29th April: Anthology release: Sherlock is a Girl’s Name – a collection of stories written by women, where Sherlock identifies as a woman. I wrote a Victorian mystery (with an Aussie connection): The Case of the Toxic Teacake

    Grab your copy direct from author, or via Clan DeStine Press (Australia) or Improbable Press (UK).

  • April Book Spotlight: The Case of the Forgotten Letter. April’s book highlight is the second book in the Mrs Hudson Investigates series.  Check out my social media (Tiktok and Instagram – and reposting to Patreon, youTube, Mastaon and Facebook) for posts. A video compilation will be posted on youTube later in the month.
  • 25th April (US time)-  #HumanVoicesOnly Takeover on Tiktok (A Fey Tale):
    Thanks to @That_GIlligan_vo for reading an excerpt from A Fey Tale for April’s narrator-indie author collaboration on Tiktok: View original on tiktok:
  • 21st April: Adelaide Comic & Toy Fair: (St Claire Rec Centre, Woodville). This year I had a corner table, so could display most of my book merch, including new tees, new mugs, new badges andMr B brooches, as well as my ebook and original music purchase/digital download are also available direct from author (me).
  • March Book Spotlight: Mrs Hudson Investigates. This year, I’m highlighting one of my books each month. During March it’s Mrs Hudson’s turn. Check out my social media (Tiktok and Instagram – and reposting to Patreon, youTube, Mastaon and Facebook) for posts. A video compilation will be posted on youTube later in the month.
  • 9th March: Burton Local Author Market. Big thank you to the Salisbury Library Service and the staff at Burton Library for hosting their first author market.There was also also a Roving Cafe coffee cart (who also had iced coffee and chocolate – fortunate as the event was in a heatwave. 42 degC on the day).
  • February Book Spotlight: A Fey Tale. This year, I’m highlighting one of my books each month. During February, I’m posting about A Fey Tale – book 2 of The Aunt Enid Mysteries. Info, background and snippets, revisiting book trailers, interviews and more will be posted on my website blog and social media (Tiktok and Instagram – and reposting to Patreon, youTube, Mastaon and Facebook) A video compilation will be posted on youTube later in the month.

  • January Book Spotlight: January is dedicated to Aunt Enid: Protector Extraordinaire. Background and snippets, revisiting book trailers, interviews and more were posted on my website blog and social media (Tiktok and Instagram – and reposting to Patreon, youTube, Mastaon and Facebook) A video compilation is available on my youTube channel.
  • 15th January (US)/ 16th Jan (Aust)- #FemmeAudioTakeover on Tiktok (Aunt Enid: Protector Extraordinaire):
    Thanks to @LaNecia,Edmonds Narrator for reading an excerpt from Aunt Enid: Protector Extraordinaire for the #femmeAudioTakeover on Tiktok: femme narrators reading book excerpts by femme authors with femme book characters coming into their own. View original on tiktok:
  • 10th January @ 11.30am (ACDT) – Madame Perry’s Salon – live blogradio. 
    I chatted with Madame Perry live for Live Radio/Podcast chat about my books, Doctor Who, mental health awareness, steampunk, and more. Due to technical difficulties, the session didn’t go live. Madame Perry will be posting it on her podcast soon.


  • 7th December – Author Night Market. Playford Civic Centre. 10 Playford Blvd, Elizabeth: 5pm – 8pm
    Writers SA and the Playford Library presents the inaugural Author Night Market featuring 30+ independent authors and business stalls to immerse yourself in a booklover’s wonderland. I’ll be there with my special ‘Night Market’ table including my books, eBook downloads, new badges, book candles, and crochet bees.
    10% Book tea vouchers still available with purchases of Blood Ties (valid til end of December), and some new book merch and badges.
    The event is providing mocktails for the early arrivals.
    For more info: 
  • 3rd December – Mayhem Collectors Fair – St Clair Recreation Centre, Woodville. Inaugral Collectors Fair.
  • 2nd October – Adelaide Comic and Toy FairSt Clair Recreation Centre, Woodville. I had my books and new book merch, including new tshirt design and Book candles, eBook and original music downloads, and my Big Black Box (with everything inside), 
  • 8th October – Patreon October Livechat – Thanks to my Patrons who joined me for the BONUS online/Zoom livechat with exclusive and sneak peek info on my WIP (The Department of Curiosities book 2).
  • 4-5th November, 2023 Adelaide Supanova. Wayville Showgrounds – Artists Alley was interesting this year. Thanks to my fellow indie creators who stepped in to help.
  • 17th September – Book Tea Launch. I’ve collaborated with Wyverstone Tea to create Crimson Smog – a tea blend made specially for the Blood Ties book launch. Read more about it here. New book merch including a Blood Ties-themed tshirt and book candles were also announced.
  • 17th September – Blood Ties official release – 12 noon (Adelaide/ACST) live on Facebook and youTube
    UPDATE NEWS – Due to the cancellation of this year’s Adelaide Steampunk Aetherfest event, this event was online.
    ‘Blood Ties’ follows on from the original ‘Doctor Jack’ novella in the first book of ‘The Adventures of Viola Stewart’ series. 
  • 10th September  – Patreon live chat
  • 7th September  – Blood Ties paperback wrap cover release
  • 1st September – Blood Ties paperback available to pre-order Direct from author
  • 31st August – Blood Ties official book trailer release on my youTube channel
  • 24th August – Blood Ties official blurb release
  • 23th August – Blood Ties cover creation video launched on my youTube channel
  • 18th August – Blood Ties eBook available for pre-order Direct from Author and via online stores.
  • 17th August – New project announcement – Blood Ties – eBook and paperback release 17th September.
  • 13th August – Patreon livechat
  • 1st July The Department of Curiosities – second edition. New cover. New internal art/design. Now available online and from author.
  • 24th June Cogs and Conspiracies paperback release (Now available HERE).
  • 21st June – New t-shirt design – Villains are the heroes of their own story (for Blood Ties book) launched on my Redbubble Store.
  • 14th June – International Steampunk Day
  • 3-4th June – Artist Alley (table AA59 – see map at right) at Adelaide Oz Comic Con.
  • 14th May – Patreon Livechat
  • 17th May eBook release (new date) – Cogs and Conspiracies: A collection of steampunk short stories (eBook)
  • 10th May – Booktrailer 3 (2 versions) out today – on youTube and Tiktok
  • 22nd April – I’ll be attending Wimmera Steampunk Festival (Dimboola, Victoria) – shout out to my Victorian readers and thank you to Chan Uoy for organising the event.
  • 23rd April @ 2pm – Dimboola Imaginarium. I did a steampunk/author talk and book signing at the Imaginarium. Bonus – free eBook copies of Cogs and Conspiracies was available for attendees. Cogs and Conspiracies cover and booktrailer reveal 
  • 1st May – Cogs and Conspiracies available for pre-order via my website shop..
  • 20th March – The Illusioneer & Other Tales Available to pre-order from author – purchase HERE. (available from 1st April to download)
  • 1st April –  Re-release of The Adventures of Viola Stewart – eBook 3 – The Illusioneer & Other Tales
    combing the original ‘Three More Shorts’ and ‘Eye of the Beholder’ eBooks. Available: buy online.
  • 1st March – Re-release of The Adventures of Viola Stewart – eBook 2 – Eye of the Beholder & Other Tales
    combining the original ‘Three More Shorts’ and ‘Eye of the Beholder’ eBooks. Available to purchase from Author and online.
  • 1st January – Re-release of The Adventures of Viola Stewart – Books 2 – Eye of the Beholder & Other Tales
    Now all three books in the series will have new covers. Book cover reveal.
  • 1st FebruaryRe-release of The Adventures of Viola Stewart – eBook 1 – Doctor Jack & Other Tales
    combing the original ‘Three Shorts’ and ‘Doctor Jack’ eBooks. Available direct from author and online stores.


  • 26th December, 2022 – (12.00pm ACDT) New book trailer launch (Eye of the Beholder & Other Tales (Ed2) 2022
  • 8th December – International Time Traveller’s Day – ABC Adelaide Radio Interview
    I was interviewed by David Bevan on the Mornings show ABC Adelaide Radio AM 891- chatting about International Time Traveller’s Day, steampunk, and more (even got to mention Doctor Who!)
  • 1st December – Re-release of The Adventures of Viola Stewart – Books 1 & 3
    All three books in the series are getting new covers! Why books 1 (Doctor Jack & Other Tales) and 3 (The Illusioneer & Other Tales) first? Because I sold my ‘from author’ copies of them first. Book 2 (Eye of the Beholder & Other Tales) will be re-released with the new cover next month. Available from author and online book stores.

1st November – Official eBook launch – The Case of the Forgotten Letter. 12.30pm (ACDT)

Facebook Live: Official launch of second book in the Victorian mystery eBook series, Mrs Hudson Investigates.
There were eBook giveaways.
You can order your copy HERE via the author (and receive a week early) or via online stores for 1st November release. 

You can purchase a copy of the first eBook HERE.

  • 12-13th November – Supanova Adelaide
    See you at Artist Alley. I’ll have all six of my books, original art mugs, badges and tees, and some handmade crocheted bookmerch.
    Map is out. I’m at table 26 in Artist Alley
  • 3rd October – Adelaide Comic and Toy Fair
    I shared a table with SM Kemmett) with my books, book merch, and original art merch. Pre-orders were available for The Case of the Forgotten Letter.
  • 17-18th September – Adelaide Steampunk Aetherfest, Hart’s Mill, Mundy St, Port Adelaide.
    A new event, at a new venue: Adelaide Steampunk Aetherfest. My author talk video will be posted in the future. I served as Tiffin Mistress for Tea Duelling on both days, also sat on a steampunk author panel with Ged Maybury and Liliana Rose, and was a judge for the costume competition.
  • 30th July – Official eBook launches (pts 1&2) – This We celebrated Mrs Hudson Investigates’ release into the big wide world! There were livechats and Q&As on Instagram and Facebook. We drank tea, shared a new booktrailer, and there were eBook giveaways. You can watch the FB OFFICIAL ONLINE LAUNCH HERE.
  • 16/17th July – Authors Writing Conference (Steampunk and Other ‘Punk’ Subgenres Panel):
    This author panel on steampunk and various ‘punk’ genres was part of the Authortube Writing Conference, and hosted on AF Stewart’s youTube channel.
    Guest Speakers: A. F. Stewart with Greg Pizzino, Crysta Coburn, M. Leigh Hood, Paul Hiscock, and Karen J. Carlisle. 
    For more information: 
  • 18th June: Australian Discworld Convention’s Discworld Fund Day: I was asked to sit on the Sourcery Book Panel.
  • 12th June: Aus Sci Fi Garage Sale/Mini Artist Alley:  A Fey Tale was available, along with my other five books, tshirts and original design mugs.
  • 21-22 May: Adelaide Oz ComicCon
    I was the Artist Alley (AA75) near the autograph & gaming areas (See map). I’ll have my new book and more. Watch  Event  Video HERE and read the BLOG POST HERE.
  • 24th April: Adelaide Comic and Toy Fair:  24th April: This was my first public event with my new book, A Fey Tale. Watch the EVENT VIDEO HERE.
  • 21st April: A Beginner’s Guide to Speculative Fiction. 7.30-9.30pm: Tea Tree Gully Community Hall, Memorial Drive. I presented an intro to speculative fiction for the The Northeastern Writers group, discussing sub-genres, world building, creating a magic system, a mini workshop with writing exercises, and Q&A. (see Talks/Speaking)  More info on FB Event page.


  • 18th Dec-4th Jan, 2022: Book Blog Tour
    I share some behind the scenes info and research, chat about inspirations on Aussie and International blogs. A big thank you to all the authors who hosted a leg of the book blog tour. You can follow the tour  HERE.
  • 8th December: A Fey Tale book launch – Tea Tree Gully Library (SA) 2pm: 
    Thank you to Seleena and the Tea Tree Gully Library for hosting the launch of Aunt Enid’s latest mystery, A Fey Tale. I spoke about how Arthur Conan Doyle’s visit to Adelaide in 1920, and Adelaide’s fairy doors inspired the book.  Eventbrite: For more info visit the Library’s event website.
    Watch the TAF2021 Book Pitch here
  • 11-12th December: Supanova – Adelaide (rescheduled)   The event was cancelled due to Covid state border restrictions. Current schedule for November, 2022.
  • 27-28th November, 2021 – Terror Australis Reader and Writers Festival
    This year the Tasmanian event was online – and they asked me to do a book pitch for A Fey Tale at one of their cosy mystery afternoon teas.
    For more info: and View Book pitch here

  • 23-24 October: Conquest Online (ajunct to live con in Brisbane): I did a talk on A Fey Tale, and a bit on the early Conquest events I attended in the 80s, and another talk on Doctor Who.
  • 11-12th September: Steampunk Festival National Railways Museum, Port Adelaide. 
    This years theme was Time Travel. My guest author talk this year was ‘Time Travel in Literature pre 1900’
  • 4th July: Conquest Monthly Meeting. I attened the Streamyard Conquest meeting – chatting about the upcoming Conquest con in October, and the online content. Watch us here
  • 3rd July: AUSFW One-day online Discworld Con. I was one of the special guest author’s (along with Tansy Reyner Roberts, squee) at this year’s online stand-in con for Nullus Anxiatas 7(a). I also was a judge for their virtual costume competition/Masquarade. A event-packed day with  a virtual escape room (I didn’t attend), a fiendish Discworld quiz, the virtual Maskerade , a radio play, Interviews with special guests, and a bedtime story to finish (all of which I did attend).  For info on 2022 live event go to their website.

  • 14th May: Patreon video livechat. Livechat video for Patreon supporteres – Conpsirator tier and above. You can support me at:
  • 13th May: Aus Sci Fi Market Day. I’ll have a table with my books, tees and mugs, badges, etc.
  • A Fey Tale Official Book Launch: To be rescheduled (due to… you know what.) – Talk at Tree Tree Gully Library – to celebrate 100 years since Arthur Conan Doyle visited Adelaide, and Official book launch for A Fey Tale.
    This is still scheduled as a live event at this stage.
  • 18th June: Patreon video livechat. Livechat video for Patreon supporteres – Conpsirator tier and above. You can support me at:
  • 7th May: Night of the Houghton Howler. TTG library. Cancelled. To be rescheduled
  • 1st May: paperback books dropped off at Greenlight Comics, 18 Stephens Place, Adelaide Greenlight Comics are now stocking novels! (and you can order books via them as well) ‘Doctor Jack & Other Tales’ and ‘Aunt Enid:Protector Extraordinaire’ are now available to purchase at there. I’m hoping they may stock more when their novel section expands.
  • 26th April, 2021: Adelaide Comic and Toy Fair. St Clair Rec Centre, 109 Woodville Rd, Woodville. 
    This was my first live event in 18 months, with my books, mugs, badges and tshirts, including – for the first time at any event: my new A Fey Tale tshirt, book-related metal lapel pins, and something new for those who prefer eBooks.
  • 9-11th April (US time) : Steampunk CommuniTea Weekend Onine event: 
    I was honoured to be part of the indie author panel, ‘Pressing the Ink Yourself: Self and Indy Pub Adventures’. The free event was hosted by the Tea Scouts, Madame Askew and the Grand Arbiter, the Temporal Entourage, and the the Tucson Steampunk Society. Videos of most panels and talks will be available later on youTube. Click here for more information.
  • 5-6 March: Wild Wild West Con 2021 online – (online event) I sat on a live steampunk authors panel with US steampunk authors, David Lee Summers and Diesel Jester. Had a ball. You can find out more via their website.


  • 5-7th March – LitCon 2021 – (online event), I hosted a Steampunk panel, with Ged Maybury (award winning childrens’, and steampunk author) and Michael Pryor (author of The Laws of Magic) You can view by author booths in the Science Fiction and Fantasy genre shops on  their website,. Panels are able to watched on their FB page  and their youTube channel.



  • 14-15 November: InCONceivable – the new Aussie-based online event, InCONceivable. You can find my ‘shop’ HERE.
  • 30th October: Guest blog post Blake and Wight blog: Light in the Lantern
  • 31st October: 9.30am – 11.00am (AEDT) /30th Oct – 5.00pm (MDT)/30th Oct – 11.00pm (GMT)
    It’s time to launch my secret projects – just in time for Halloween ‘Another Twist of the Nib: short stories with a darker twist’ – AND – my second digital music single, ‘Spanish Flu’. Join me for a chat, info about my stories, a live interview with Richard Ryall – co-writer of Spanish Flu (approx 10.30am). There will also be an eBook of ‘Another Twist of the Nib’ AND digital download of ‘Spanish Flu’ to win. You can buy your eBook copy here:

  • 19th October: Indie October Guest blog post Mark Hayes blog, Passing Place : “No, Really, what’s your day job?”
  • 5th October: Adelaide Comic and Toy Fair. (9.30am-4.00pm) – my appearance has been rescheduled to April, 2021. 
    Due to health issues (and risk group), I couldn’t attend.
  • 26h September- Geek Markets Live Online event – NEW!
    You can find my 15+ minute talk on Indie publishing, why I self-publish and some hints – on the Geek Markets Live youTube channel – session two (at about 31 minutes in)
  • 12th-13th September: Adelaide Steampunk Festival. National Railways Museum, Port Adelaide. 
    Due to Covid travel restrictions, The Littmus Steampunk Band wasn’t able to attend this year.
    Due to health issues (and risk group), I couldn’t attend in person; I attended virtually (via Skype at my physical table in Merchant Row). Pre-orders and sales at the event received an exclusive (signed and numbered) bookplate designed for the event. I pre-recorded two talks on the event theme: 1- Celebrating 100 years since Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s visit/ 2- Fairies and Fairy Doors
  • 28th – 30th August (UK time): SANCTUARY ONLINE 2020 – The Asylum Goes Online 2020
    Due to Covid lockdowns in the UK, the Asylum is running an online event with a Literary stream, Music and more. I was invited to be part of the line up of steampunk authors, with intro video and a Q&A sesssion.
    on the Ministry of Steampunk UK’s youTube channel. 
  • 5th June: Podcast interview – Living Arts Canberra
    I was invited to discuss Aunt Enid: Protector Extraordinaire, with Barbie from Living Arts Canberra. You can hear us on their webpage Reading List and  on LACE radio.
  • 5th May:  Booklove Tuesday FB event
    I was a guest author at this FB event (run by Terror Australis Readers and Writers Festival ), to discuss Aunt Enid, setting, older main characters and the fantasy element.
    Follow this LINK to the FB event.
  •  17th May 4.00pm (Tuscon- MST)/18th May 8.30am (Adelaide ACST) ONLINE: A big thank you to the  Tuscon steampunks book club for inviting me to  chat with them about their May book of the month, The Department of Curiosities. You can see past bookclub meetings on the Tuscon Steampunk Society FB page
  • 19th April: Cancelled due to Covid-19 event restrictions now in Australia. (rescheduled to 5th Oct) Adelaide Comic and Toy Fair. 
     43-63 Lower Portrush Rd, Marden.
  • April: Guest blog post on Mark Hayes’ blog (date to be confirmed)
  • April: Guest blog post for Aether Eggs on Penny Blake’s ‘Blake and Wight’ blog (date to be confirmed)
  • 1st April: Adelaide/ ONLINE  Guest author/speaker at Critical Mass SF discussion group, Adelaide. (online event). The meeting will start at 7pm (Adelaide time, 30 mins later in Melbourne ), run for 40 mins, then take a 10-minute tea/coffee/G&T break and re-convene at 7:50 (Adelaide time) for the final half hour. Details on how to join the Zoom event are HERE
  • 18th February onwards: Well Versed 2: Anthology 2020. PBA FM Radio.
    This is the second Well Versed anthology audio book to celebrate poets and their work. Sometimes (not often) I write poetry. Usually after disasters. I was invited to record two poems for this audio-anthology.  The anthology has spoken works from nearly seventy poets.
    All poems recorded for the antholoy will be played on Words Out Loud show on PBA FM, from 18th February. Video of launch available here.
  • 31st January (NY/US time)/ 1st February (Adelaide/ACDT):  Australian Author Week. FB event.  I posted about steampunk (The Department of Curiosities), Australian settings in genre fiction, and my work-in-progress, A Fey Tale, the second book in The Aunt Enid Mysteries on the Fantasy and Sci-Fi Readers Lounge FB page
  • 16th January (US time) :World-building Showcase Interview on Phoebe Darqueling’s blog (about world-building for my steampunk world, specifically ‘The Deparment of Curiosities’) Jan, 2020.


  • 13-24th December: 12 Days of Christmas Book Buying FB event:  A FB event to match readers with indie author books. eaders post a wish list of their preferred books. The Department of Curiosities was the first prize chosen during this event! More info HERE
  • 8-10 November: Brisbane Supanova. I survived my first event in Brisbane (and the bushfire smoke) .
  • 16th November: PBA FM Open Day and Market: local Community Radio at 17-19 Wiltshire Street,  Salisbury (South Australia). Had a ball. Sold some books. Good local entertainment.
  • 15th October: Guest Blog post  on Mark Haye’s blog, The Passing Place. I talk about steampunk, the wonder of the world and writing.
  • 1-3 November: Adelaide Supanova. I enjoyed another local Supanova in the Indie Press Zone of the Artist Alley. Thanks to everyone who supported this indie author. Let’s hope it returns next year.
  • 7th October Adelaide Comic & Toy Fair.  This was my first time at The Comic & Toy Fair, I’m hoping to return next year.
  • 27th September: I chatted live  with Phil and Ria, on the Recovery and Wellbeing Show, about books, steampunk and mental health.
  • 14-15 September: Adelaide Steampunk Festival. National Railways Museum, Port Adelaide.  There’s trains and steampunk, writers and artists. What more do you need? I’ll have my books, t-shirts, mugs, badges and some steampunky hats!
  • 6th September: Interview on Words Out Loud. PBA FM Adelaide.
  • 16th June: Aus Sci Fi Garage Sale/Author’s Alley/ Sausage Sizzle. Woodville, South Australia.
  • 14th April- 22nd May: Book blog tour for The Department of Curiosities.
  • 22nd May – Official release day for The Department of Curiosties, AND Tillie Meriwether’s birthday
  • 30 May – 3rd June: I attended The New Zealand Steampunk Festival in Oamaru.
  • 15 March: Steampunk Takeover. FB event: Fantasy and Sci-Fi Readers Lounge
  • 25th February:  Our Books Are Not Free(Facebook Event):
    Over 100 Authors. Not a single book will be given away. Just fantastic authors with great books at reasonable prices.
  • 18 February (US timezone):  – guest blog post on Blake and Wight’s  Frost Fair.
  • February: Steampunk Hands Around the World: Read posts by Kevin D Steil and other steampunks from around the world. This year’s theme is ‘This is me.’ I’ll be posting to my blog on this webpage later in the month.


  • 12 December:  12 Days of Christmas Book Buying EventFB online public event. I gave away copies of Aunt Enid and The Adventures of Viola Stewart.
  • 2-4th November: Supanova Adelaide. Wayville Showgrounds.
    I was in Artist Alley again this year. On Saturday I did a talk:
    Creating Your Own Steampunk World or Persona
    (on writing/ costuming steampunk) and on Sunday I sat on an indie author panel with fellow Adelaide spec fic authors, Katie Fraser, Kylie Leane and Matt Pike  (on plotting and pantsing).
  • 15-16th September: Adelaide Steampunk Festival. National Railway Museum, Port Adelaide.  I presented Adelaide’s first parasol dueling demonstration and did an Author Talk this year.
  • 18th July – The Steampunk Hour. Interview by Hal Crompton. Lincoln Radio, UK. My first international radio interview! You can also hear ‘The Gadgeteer Listen to the Podcast on Hal’s webpage.
  • 11th JulyElevensies with Aunt Enid.  Penny Blake’s blog, Blake and Wight.
  • 10th July Morning Cuppa – Aunt Enid: Protector Extraordinaire review: Penny Blake’s blog, Blake and Wight.
  • 26th July (Aunts and Uncles Day) : Book review on NOA Rowle’s blog, Through the Eyes of a Stranger, to celebrate Aunts and Uncles Day.
  • 8th May: PBA FM ‘Words Out Loud’ Interview. 
    We talked about Aunt Enid and steampunk, events.  Listen to the podcast here.
  • 12th May: Pop Con 2.0! Thebarton Community Centre, Thanks to the organisers for hosting their first Artist Alley and our panel on steampunk.
  • 14th May: Aunt Book eBook FB Launch for
  • 20-22 April: Supanova Melbourne. Melbourne Showgrounds. This was my first road trip to Melbourne Supanova, with fellow Adelaide indie speculative fiction authors, KE Fraser, Kylie Leane and Matt Pike. Congratulations to the winners of both Indie Indie Author ‘bingo’  competitions.  I sold out of  the ‘Where’s  Holmes’ anthology.
  • 22-26th April: NZ and Australian Author Sale Promotion. 
    The final eBook of Viola’s final adventures, ‘The Illusioneer’, was on sale as part of this indie author promotion. l.
  • February, 2018: Steampunk Hands Around the World IV
    “Get your steam vehicle powered up – we’re going on a Steampunk Road Trip! Join in to see the interesting people, places, and groups which are part of our steampunk community all around the world”
    You can read Karen’s SHAW blog posts HERE (On Steampunk)
  • Spend Christmas with Viola – buy your ebook copy of Tomorrow, When I Die or buy the paperback with the story.
  • 17-19 November: Adelaide Supanova. I’ll be in The Artists Alley with my books – including Viola’s newest set of adventures, The Illusioneer & Other Tales, mugs, badges, t shirts, new octoscarves… and some giveaways.
  • 10 November. Christmas Gift Giving Market, Community Learning Centre, Tea Tree Gully. 4.30-8.30pm
    Tea Tree Gully Library hosted a market with local artists, designers, crafters and writers. Book 3 was available for the first time.
  • 19-20 August: Steampunk Festival/Book Launch. National Railway Museum.
    Karen’s new ebooks, From the Depths, and Tomorrow, When I Die were launched at the Festival and the cover of The Illusionist & Other Tales was revealed.
  • 4-6 August: Nullus Anxietas, West Lakes, South Australia. Karen ran a workshop – Write your own Discworld story:plotting for non-plotters and was on the Steampunk panel – discussing steampunk influences in Discworld, Sunday afternoon.
  • 15th July: LibCon17, Burnside library hosted its first LibCon, celebrating fandoms, with author and artist panels and stalls. Karen had her books, mugs and badges for sale.

  • Sunday 11th June: Aus Sci Fi & Fantasy group. The Warehouse building at the Brocas 111 Woodville Rd, St Clair. Karen talked all things steampunk – and shared props, photos, and videos.
  • 21st April, 2017: Celebrating 30 years (naming of) Steampunk. Facebook event and live videos.
  • 1-2 April, 2017: Adelaide Oz Comic Con. Wayville Showgrounds, Adelaide. Karen’s first Oz Comic Con in Artists’ Alley (booth #31) Books, original art mugs, badges and t-shirts were available.

  • Sunday 2nd April: Adelaide Independent Authors: Open a Book to the World of Self Publishing. Adelaide OzComicCon.
    Local Adelaide authors host a panel on how to complete a manuscript, edit your work and, finally, see your name in cover art.  This session will be informative and potentially entertaining as a bunch of authors step out from behind their computer screens to talk about their passion and explain just some of the steps needed to reach self-publication dreams.

  • February, 2017: Steampunk Hands Around the World is happening again. Read blogs by steampunks from around the world. This year’s theme: Steampunk: Making Life Better. Follow on Airship Ambassador’s official blog list.
    Image Courtesy of Mr. XPK
  • 25th February. Salisbury Secret Garden Markets, Salisbury Civic Square. Karen was part of the creator markets at the Sounds in the Square,  with Thirsty Merc.
    14th February, 2017: Our Books Are not Free
    FB event at 10.30pm (Australian Central Daylight Savings Time (CDT). Over 100 authors. Not a single book will be given away. Just some fantastic authors with great books, at reasonable prices. Individual author slots last thirty minutes.
  • 14th February, 2017: Words Out LoudPBA-FM (89.7)  Jo Baker discussed Karen’s books, writing and other stuff on her local show.
  • 17th December, 2016: Adelaide Indie Author Pop-up Store. Karen, and other local authors,  Alex James (Galexty Tales – fantasy, dystopian, SF books) and Darren Koziol (Dark Oz – fantasy and horror comics) signed books at Greenlight Comics, Adelaide.  T-shirts, badges and mugs were also available.webpage-banner-greenlight-comics-popup2016
  • 18-20th November, 2016: Adelaide Supanova. Adelaide Showgrounds. Karen was in the Indie Zone of The Alley. Thanks to everyone who stopped by or bought a book.
  • 29-30th October: Halloween Comic Con: The Market on Flinders Street, 230 Flinders Street, Adelaide.
    What better than Jack the Ripper and Mummies for halloween?
    Come and meet Karen. Both books in the Adventures of Viola Stewart series will be available.  Badges and mugs and octoscarves will also be available. See Adelaide’s creators – authors, comic writers and illustrators – and all things related to comics and pop-culture.

  • 9th October: Mutant Stepchildren: Karen spoke to Adelaide writers group, Mutant Stepchildren, on why she writes steampunk and self-publishing in Australia.

  • 17-18th September: Steampunk Festival, National Railways Museum
    Official book launch, Eye of the Beholder & Other Tales: The Adventures of Viola Stewart Journal #2. Congratulations to Ben, who won the Men in Grey mug raffle.

  • 11th September: Pre-Book launch  Aus Sci Fi Hillcrest Community Club, 27-31 Queensborough St. Karen spoke on steampunk and becoming an indie author in Australia. There was also a sneak preview of the book trailer for the latest Adventures of Viola Stewart book, Eye of the Beholder & Other Tales. Congratulations to Veronica Gaunt who won the steampunk costume prize.
  • May 8th: Exploring Steampunk. (Dressing Up).  Speaking Event: Karen spoke on steampunk’s creative movement and steampunk costuming at the Dressing Up Exhibition, part of South Australia’s History Festival. Drill Hall, Torrens Parade Ground, Victoria Dr, Adelaide.
    Exploring Steampunk1500x500exploring steampunk_photo_copyright2016DCarlisle
  • Feb 19th – March 29th, 2016: The Adelaide Fringe. Karen participated in The Fringe for the first time. Her short story, Hunted, was chosen for inclusion in A Trail of Tales,  an exhibition combining the talents of local Tea Tree Gully writers and artists, based on history, legend and magic of Pine Park and its surrounds. The art installation runs from 12th February to 14th March at Pine Park at 2 Haines Rd Tea Tree Gully 5091 SA – and will have QR codes to access the related written works from those on the website.Trail of Tales_Festival_2016_photo_copyright2015Karen Carisle_ 990 x 350

“Dip into the secrets hidden within”
Opening Ceremony Video

  • Feb 1st-29th, 2016: Steampunk Hands Around the World. This year’s theme was ‘My favourite things’. Karen’s posted weekly steampunk blogs. You can find a full listing on Airship Ambassador’s official Steampunk Hands Around the World’s Link List.
  • 20th-22nd November, 2015: Supanova Pop Culture Event, Adelaide Showgrounds. Karen had a booth in The Alley, with copies of Doctor Jack & Other Tales, octoscarves, badges, mugs and accessories available for purchase. Thank you to everyone who asked about Viola’s next adventures!Supanova banner 2015
  • booksSunday 1st November, 2015: Adelaide Mini Comic Convention – Flinders Street Markets, Adelaide. Meet local artists and writers. Copies of The Adventures of Viola Stewart Journal #1: Doctor Jack and Other Tales, mugs, badgesOctoarms jewelry, bookmarks and   scarves were available.  Thanks to those of you who popped by and said hello.
  • 17-18 October, 2015 Book Expo Australia. Exhibition Hall 5, Sydney Showgrounds, Sydney Olympic Park. Karen’s book, Doctor Jack & Other Tales, was featured in The Indie Book Shelf. bokexpoAustSydney2015
  • Sept 2nd, 2015: Karen talked about Writing Steampunk and Self-publishing, for local Adelaide Critical Mass Discussion Group at the SA Writers Centre.
  • July 4th, 2015: Australia’s Biggest Morning CosTEAume Party (in the afternoon).
    (run by Cosplay for a Cause to raise money for Cancer Council.) Paperback copies of The Adventures of Viola Stewart Journal #1: Doctor Jack and Other Tales, Octoarms jewelry and badges were available. 10% of all sales were donated to Cancer Council.
  • Saturday 30th May, 2015. BOOK LAUNCH of paperback, The Adventures of Viola Stewart – Journal #1: Doctor Jack & other Tales, at the National Railway Museum, Port Adelaide.

  • 29th May, 2015: Interview on ABC891 Adelaide – with Peter and Paul, as part of Steampunk Festival.
  • 28th May: Guest Blog Post: Steampunk Coffeetime Romance and More – Revelry (plus competition).
  • 19th May: Blog Interview on Cogpunk Steamscribe
  • 7th May: Interview by Blimprider’s Directory of Future Stars on
  • February 2015: Steampunk Hands Around the World: Karen participated in this community project throughout February, 2015 (You can find her blogging all about steampunk and catch up with other steampunks as they share their passion – a full list will be published at Airship Ambassador’s website.)
  • 29th June 2014: Australia’s Biggest Steampunk Afternoon Teananigans  – a belated Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, Steampunk style! North Adelaide Community Centre, North Adelaide.  (Octoarms, original artwork, photography and mugs.  10% of all profits were donated to The Cancer Council. Introduced the upcoming ‘The Adventures of Viola Stewart‘.

teananigans 1406

  • March 2013 – Adelaide Oz Comic Con. I was asked to judge the costume competition.
  • February, 2013 to December 2013: Bullina China Shop. Shop 60/ Northpark Shopping Centre. 264 Main North Road, Prospect, South Australia. . (Original Photography)

Work shown/ available at:

    • Some of Karen’s books are available to purchase at Elevenses by Wyverstone at Lot 10, 173 Port Road, Aldinga, SA, Australia, South Australia

Work shown/ available in past:

  • A Rare Notion..Shop 110 Balcony Level, Adelaide Arcade, Adelaide South Australia  (Arts, Crafts, Jewely, Collectibles, Vintage Clothing) From June 2013. (Portable Art: Mugs, Ocotoarm Bookmarks, badges/ Framed Original Photography) – now closed.

 Karen’s Flickr Album of Events:

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