19th February: Critical Mass Author Talk/ Twixtmas Launch. Minor Works Building Community Centre, 22 Stamford Court, Adelaide.
Join me for the Critical Mass Sci Fi and Fantasy Discussion Group at The meeting runs from 6.30pm (for about an hour). I’ll be doing my first Twixtmas talk.
The event is free. I’m hoping to have Twixtmas printed and have a small number available to purchase on the night.
Interstate and overseas readers can join via Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83196030896?pwd=m2ImO2Z7bGfLtmLvJJHeoci1455Vtr.1 [Meeting ID: 831 9603 0896, Passcode: 570773].
22-23rd March: Clunes Booktown Festivlal, Victoria. I’ve just booked and confirmed for the Clunes Booktown Festival. So I’m off interstate to Victoria. Clunes is about 1.5 to 2 hours drive from Melbourne. The town embraces books for the entire weekend. I’ll be there with my books (and minimal bookmerch as I’m flying over). If you’re in Victoria, please come say hello.
- April: Watch this space. Waiting for final confirmation for event.
- 31st October – 3rd November: Supanova Adelaide. Adelaide Showgrounds. I’m back in the Artist Alley, with my new book and book merch. This year Adelaide Supanova is running for three days, from Friday to Sunday.
I’ve also applied for three other events. Wish me luck.