Hard Work, Goals and Inspirations.

In recent blogs, I have documented some of my writing journey – CampNaNoWriMo, attending the weekly Writer’s Race (hosted by The Australian Writer’s Marketplace online on Facebook), working at my ‘day job’, and doing the domestic chores that can not be avoided.

This week, I have pulled myself out of writing doldrums and have (finally) written almost 5000 words towards my CampNaNoWriMo goal. (I do tend to work better to deadlines or goals – which is why I use the progress gauges below.) I am quite relieved, as I originally chose to attempt CampNaNoWriMo specifically as another tool to fight off procrastination – one of my biggest enemies.

I chose the minimum goal level of 10,000 words, so I could get a feel for how difficult it will be in November, when I attempt the full NaNoWriMo experience, of 50,000 words – and a new story project that is knocking at my skull to get out. (I have taken time of work for that one, increasing my writing days.)  Maybe this would also get me back into the habit of daily writing.

Having not yet published anything (other than my shortlisted short story, online at the competition website), I thought I had little to offer already established writers. Well, this week has been an amazing ride for me! A short while ago, a long-time author friend of mine commented on how enthusiastic I am about my writing and asked me to write a blog post. This week a new author friend has asked to read Doctor Jack when it is complete, and author friend has said how I inspired her to get some writing done.

Sometimes the smallest comment can have the biggest consequences.  A big thank you to the three of you – you know who you are – you have boosted my confidence not only in continuing my writing, keeping up with my daily practice but also in sharing my journey with others, hoping that I may inspire them as you have inspired me.

Doctor Jack – 1st draft- Deadline 30th April, 2014: 

Manuscript Word Progress:(on hold for the month)
Total Words:  
Revised Words: 
At 1st draft only:

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