Now what?

The first draft of Doctor Jack is done. All 30,500 words of it!  Now what?

I will leave it for a few weeks (at least) and get back to The Department of Curiosites. July Camp NaNoWriMo started on Tuesday. My goal for July is to rewrite an early short story, The Day of the Dirigible’ and add more chapters to The Department of Curiosities.


As my regular readers will know, I work better to deadlines; July CampNaNoWriMo  should give me a nudge back into the story. I have given myself a 15000 word goal for the month. That would be an almost record for me. I have returned to part-time work so I lose two days of writing each week.

Then where do I go? I am saving up for a professional editor for the final pass  (at least) for The Department of Curiosities – as it is a novel length manuscript. I had hoped to use the ‘free edit prize’ by Lulu for my win in April’s CampNaNoWriMo, but this was unfortunately rescinded due to ‘technical difficulties’. That was a big disappointment.

For now I will follow the following process:

  • I handwrite, do an edit/rewrite when I type up my first draft.
  • After letting the story bubble away in my subconscious for a while, it is time to face the next round of rewrites.
  • *Hand it to a beta reader, retype for second edit.
  • *Share it with my writer’s group.  (*these two points are interchangeable)
  • Another typed edit.
  • I am currently reading Revision and Self-editing for Publication by James Scott Bell, which was recommended to me
  • … another edit will probably be typed up.
  • Then pass it to a couple of author friends of mine to give it another pummelling…

I have a lot on my writing list for the next month (few months most likely). Then I will have some news to announce… if I keep my nerve. If you would like a sneak preview of my upcoming stories, some exclusive news or insights into my work, please sign up for my newsletter Tea and Tidings. The next issue is due out about 20th July.

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